Smotrov Nazar, a three-year-old hero from Kharkov, is struggling with the diagnosis – secondary tracheal stenosis of the 3rd degree, paresis of the vocal cords.
Nazar was born on 02.10.17 at the 28th week of pregnancy with a weight of 1 kg 180 gr. As a newborn two-week-old baby, he was on a ventilator, and later he had heart surgery, the PDA was closed.
Due to the fact that Nazar was on the apparatus for a long time, he developed critical tracheal stenosis. In May 2018, Nazar’s family was sent to the city of Kiev for her bougienage. During this process, the trachea ruptured, the doctors did not immediately notice this and air went through the whole body. After numerous procedures and anesthesia, Nazarchik had a cardiac arrest. After a consultation of doctors, a Tracheostomy was diagnosed.
All this time Nazar and his mother traveled to Kiev with the hope of recovery. Unfortunately, due to numerous bronchoscopy procedures, the vocal cords were damaged. Now it is necessary to do laryngotracheal plastic surgery of the larynx. In Ukraine, there is no such equipment and specialists with such experience, so the Ichilov clinic in Israel is ready to provide the necessary treatment to Nazar. Nazar will have to collect for treatment and move to a clinic in Israel.
As of today (05/30/22) Nazar has completed all the treatment, but now he cannot leave the hospital – Nazar cannot sleep without a CPAP machine. The device and a special mask cost a lot of money, which the family does not have. We ask you – good people for help.
If your child needs help, write to us
and we will do our best to facilitate him!